Water is life. Businesses must adapt to the new challenge of water management amid climate crisis."


Water, one of the world's primary resources, is increasingly becoming a critical crisis as our climate changes. The erratic patterns of rainfall, as exemplified by the recent severe flooding across Thailand, highlight the escalating challenges we face. Businesses and industries worldwide must now prioritize water resource management strategies to adapt to the unpredictability of our changing climate.

The TCP Sustainability Forum has now reached its third year, driven by the recognition of the importance of sustainability within our organization and across all relevant stakeholders. The goal is to foster sustainable growth together. For 2024, TCP Group has chosen the theme of  Water Resilience in a Changing Climate as the main topic for discussion and learning. This year's forum will focus on the concept of water resilience in a changing climate.

In a world where the demand for clean water exceeds supply by as much as 40%, how should businesses adapt to survive and coexist sustainably with other sectors of society?

Before discussing water, Dr. Supavud Saichuea,, Chairman of the National Economic and Social Development Council, highlighted several risks facing the Thai economy. These include Thailand's aging population, the health of Thais, and the global government debt. However, the issue that businesses should pay particular attention to is the slowing recovery of the Thai economy.

In today's globalization , where countries have few barriers between them, cross-border trade has become increasingly easy. Recently, the Thai economy has been significantly impacted by the influx of low-cost imports from China, resulting in a trade deficit. Beyond seeking government intervention, Dr. Supavud has proposed strategies to address this challenge posed by China.

Despite China being a powerhouse of industry and innovation, its agriculture sector remains a weakness due to limitations in labor and arable land. With only 9% of the world's arable land but 20% of its population, China's agricultural production falls short of meeting domestic demand. As a result, the country must rely on agricultural imports from other nations, presenting an opportunity for Thailand to reduce its trade deficit with China. When it comes to agriculture, Dr. Supavud emphasized the critical role of water, stating that 'water, water, water' is the key. In today's world, no business can succeed without considering sustainability.

TCP Group is another business that is deeply committed to environmental sustainability, particularly regarding water, a primary resource in the production of beverages. The company has set a 'Net Water Positive' goal, aiming to return more clean water to nature and communities than is used in the production process by 2030. TCP Group has already exceeded this goal, returning more water to nature than it consumes in its operations. Despite achieving this milestone, TCP Group remains committed to sustainable water management and continues to pursue its Net Water Positive goal in three areas: regenerative water management, 100% circular water use, and building a water positive impact through the application of sustainable innovative solutions.

In addition to its sustainable water management plan, TCP Group has set other sustainability goals. These include transitioning to a 'Low Carbon Economy' with a target of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as well as developing 100% recyclable packaging (Circular Economy). In fact, TCP has already achieved a recycling rate of 93% for its packaging and expects to reach 100% by the end of this year.

Building a solid sustainable cycle is not a short-term endeavor. Mr. Saravoot Yoovidhya, CEO of TCP Group, compares building a sustainable foundation to running a marathon - a long and enduring journey. He emphasizes that this is a long-term game, not a quick fix that yields immediate results. It requires long-term planning, patience, and starting at the organizational level by instilling these concepts in employees to ensure everyone is aligned towards a common goal and committed to building this sustainable foundation together.

As we all know, water is a resource essential to all of us. However, the supply of water is insufficient to meet everyone's needs. Mr. Prasit Vaiyavatjamai, Partner, Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change, ERM-Siam Co., Ltd., recounted how a decade ago, the indiscriminate use of water by industries and the lack of wastewater management often drew media attention.

However, today, we can more easily assess the social responsibility of industries through water management standards. There are various organizations that offer different certification levels, such as AWS (Alliance for Water Stewardship), a global organization that categorizes certifications into three levels based on water management capabilities, ranging from in-plant management to watershed conservation.

Various water management standards serve as a guarantee for consumers that the products they purchase, as well as the producing companies, are socially and environmentally responsible.

AWS Certification Criteria:

  1. Maintaining a sustainable water balance
  2. Preserving good water quality:
  3. Good water stewardship:
  4. Protecting watershed integrity:

Water is a crucial component in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

When discussing global warming and climate change, 'water' is another crucial variable in this situation. The volatility of the weather causes water conditions to fluctuate, leading to problems of flooding and drought.

However, regarding flooding, Dr. Petch Manopawitr, an international environmental organization consultant, Secretary-General of the Green World Foundation, and President of the Bird Conservation Society of Thailand, stated that in addition to climate change, the issue of management, which we can plan and control, is a factor contributing to flooding.

One solution that Dr. Petch has proposed today is the use of Nature-Based Solutions.

By understanding the 'system' of an 'ecosystem', we can harness natural processes to solve problems, with human intervention guiding the solutions. For instance, understanding the interconnectedness of river basins and aquifers allows us to increase water storage and mitigate the impacts of floods or droughts by restoring these areas.

Once we have a deep understanding of ecosystems, we can address more than just flooding; we can sustainably solve numerous environmental problems simultaneously, such as water quality, biodiversity, and pollution. This is possible due to the interconnectedness of natural systems. Even if we choose to develop only a specific water source, processes like planting water-purifying plants can enhance the entire ecosystem.

This natural solution to a natural problem can create its own sustainability.

At the recent TCP Sustainability Forum 2024, experts from various fields presented diverse approaches to water management. This forum provided crucial insights that will help us prepare for future challenges.

Climate change has led to unpredictable weather patterns, increasing the risk of flash floods. These floods are caused by intense, localized rainfall over prolonged periods, as storms become less frequent but more severe. Additionally, hotter and longer summers, coupled with shorter winters, are becoming the norm.

Unfortunately, we cannot reverse climate change or prevent the associated problems. Therefore, it is imperative that the government, private sector, and various organizations collaborate to develop and implement solutions to address the current crisis. Furthermore, we must create contingency plans to mitigate the impacts of future disasters.

Original article by Environman